Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beginning T-Sql with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008

Paul Turley, Dan Wood
ISBN: 978-0-470-25703-6
Paperback 672 pages
December 2008
Size : 13.3MB

Transact-SQL, or T-SQL, is Microsoft Corporation’s powerful implementation of the ANSI standard SQL database query language, which was designed to retrieve, manipulate, and add data to relational database management systems (RDBMS).
You may already have a basic idea of what SQL is used for, but you may not have a good understanding of the concepts behind relational databases and the purpose of SQL. This book will help you build a solid foundation of understanding, beginning with core relational database concepts and continuing to reinforce those concepts with real-world T-SQL query applications.
Chapter 1: Introducing T-SQL and Data Management Systems.
Chapter 2: SQL Server Fundamentals.
Chapter 3: SQL Server Tools.
Chapter 4: Introducing the T-SQL Language.
Chapter 5: Data Retrieval.
Chapter 6: SQL Functions.
Chapter 7: Aggregation and Grouping.
Chapter 8: Multi-Table Queries.
Chapter 9: Advanced Queries and Scripting.
Chapter 10: Transactions.
Chapter 11: Advanced Capabilities.
Chapter 12: T-SQL Programming Objects.
Chapter 13: Creating and Managing Database Objects.
Chapter 14: Analyzing and Optimizing Query Performance.
Chapter 15: T-SQL in Applications and Reporting.
Appendix A: Command Syntax Reference.
Appendix B: System Variables and Functions Reference.
Appendix C: System Stored Procedure Reference.
Appendix D: Information Schema Views Reference.
Appendix E: FileStream Objects and Syntax.
Appendix F: Answers to Exercises.


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