Title: Chicken Soup for the Soul - Daily Inspirations
Author: Jack Canfield - Mark Victor Hansen
Size: 44.6Mb
Author: Jack Canfield - Mark Victor Hansen
Size: 44.6Mb
"Please do not let life pass
fingers immersed in spite of memories, illusions about the past or future. Only
to cherish each moment, we can live fully every day of my life.
Imagine life as a juggling game. In
the years we have hand ball called: work, family, health, friends and spirit. If
all the rubber ball is work, will again fall to pick themselves up, nothing
makes us worry. But no, the four Left balls - family, health, friends and
spirit - are made of glass balls. If accidentally dropped they will
be scratched, cracked or even shattered, but no way I could heal again and we
will never again be the same. We should understand that and try to keep
your life always balance.
Chicken Soup for the Soul - Daily
Inspirations: The book can give useful advice to help you realize true
value of life, of themselves, and can navigate the way forward
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